Recommended by families!

Your daily midwife consultation

Experienced midwives advise you every day via chat. Monday through Sunday. Just want you need for all of your concerns.

The online midwife consultation that addresses all of your concerns.

Do you have a question or concern, or are you still looking for a midwife?

Kinderheldin offers you a daily midwife consultation. Ask all your questions and get expert advice even on weekends and holidays, from 7am to 10pm, via chat. We're always ready to listen to your concerns.

Bekannt aus
Frau mit Baby und Telefon Mood

Something you can only get with Kinderheldin.

  • best availability possible: Monday through Sunday, 7am to 10pm
  • consultation within 15 minutes
  • a unique offer, as it's also possible on holidays!
  • flexible and safe wherever you are
  • midwifery knowledge on all topics such as pregnancy, birth, the postpartum period, breastfeeding, nutrition, and so on.

Talk to a midwife in just 3 steps

Ich bin für dich da, Hebamme Steffi
  1. Register with Kinderheldin. You have 7 days of free access to all services, such as midwife consultations.
  2. In your user profile, select that you would like to speak with a midwife beneath the "Consultation" category: via chat.
  3. One of our midwives will get back to you within 15 minutes and will answer all of your questions.

Enjoy the full Kinderheldin offer.

With a Kinderheldin 7-day free trial, you'll have more than just access to midwife consultations - you can also attend 50+ weekly online classes for topics such as birth preparation, postnatal exercise, first aid, pelvic floor training, and more.

What questions may I ask the midwives?

With Kinderheldin you can ask any question you'd like and put your mind at ease. We understand you and take the time to address all of your concerns. Whether you're pregnant or have already given birth, we're here for you.

Our midwives are happy to answer questions such as ...

  • What should I not eat during pregnancy? Do I have to eat enough for 2 people? Can I drink coffee?

  • At what point can I start to feel my baby? What if I can no longer feel the movements?

  • Can I sleep on my stomach?

  • At what point should I start looking for a midwife?

  • Can I still have sex?

  • What do I need to keep in mind when I'm around pets?

  • Can I fly on vacation when I have a baby bump?

  • At what point do I know if it will be a girl or a boy?

  • Can I have my hair dyed/nails done, etc.?

  • What sports can I do? Is it possible to prevent stretch marks?

  • What name do we give the baby?

  • What do I do to treat nausea and heartburn?

  • Why am I so tired?

  • Will I now get fat legs due to water retention?

  • How can I prevent back pain?

  • How will I recognize when I'm going into labor?

  • I am constipated all the time. What can I do?

  • How much weight gain is normal/too much?

  • How do I recognize that my water has broken?

  • Is it possible for my baby to sleep too much?

  • How do I recognize skin changes (baby acne, milia)?

  • Do I need to pay attention to my baby's bowel movements (how often, color, consistency)?

  • How do I safely go to the bathroom with an episiotomy/tear/injury?

  • Why does my baby cry so much? Do I have a crybaby?

  • When do children finally develop a day/night rhythm?

  • How do I dress my baby?

  • How do I know that breastfeeding is working? And what if it doesn't work? Am I having problems with breastfeeding?

  • How do I wash my baby?

  • What can I do about abdominal pain and flatulence?

  • How do I pump? And how does weaning work?

  • When do I start feeding solid food?

  • When can I drink alcohol and coffee again?

  • Vacationing with your baby: What is the best way to plan? What should I look for?

We're happy to help. You can view more information here.

We are at your service

We are happy to advise you and answer all of your questions about pregnancy, the postpartum period, and the like.

Judith Herrmann (rosa)

Hebamme Judith

Midwife since 2010
Midwifery team management
Medical assistant
Mum of 3 by heart

Maxine Lehmann rosa

Hebamme Maxine

Owner of a midwifery practice

Lector Section Jasmin

Hebamme Jasmin

Teaching midwife and head teacher

Christine Keller

Hebamme Christine

Midwife since 1994
Practice instructor in the delivery room

Mandy Wüscher

Hebamme Mandy

K-Taping® therapist
Pelvic floor trainer

Sabine Boettcher-Jensen pink

Hebamme Sabine

Hebamme seit 1987
Akupunktur, Kinesiotapetherapie, Cranio-Sacral-Therapie, Bioresonaztherapie

Anna (rosa)

Hebamme Anna

Certified sleep consultant

Rebekka Pruemm

Hebamme Rebekka

Anthroposophical midwife (VfaH)
Baby massage & cloth diaper consultant
K-Taping® therapist
Specialist for baby-led complementary feeding

Annette Wiefel

Hebamme Annette

Mum of 3
2-times grandma

Martina Konrad

Hebamme Martina

Midwife since 1999
Baby massage
Nutritional counseling


Hebamme Sophie

Midwife since 2013
Certified pelvic floor instructor
Mum of 3 children

Kundenbewertungen & Erfahrungen zu Kinderheldin GmbH. Mehr Infos anzeigen.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about your pregnancy, the baby, or other concerns, it is always recommended that you speak with a midwife to be on the safe side. They will provide you with expert advice and are able to very accurately assess many different types of situations. However, you should always consult a physician in a medical emergency.

Regardless of whether you have a local midwife, you can always take advantage of Kinderheldin's services to clarify questions or obtain more knowledge through classes.

At Kinderheldin, you can take advantage of the daily midwife consultations from 7am to 10pm. Within 15 minutes you will receive an appointment and our midwives will contact you.

All our midwives are certified and have several years of professional experience. They are all members of the German Midwives Association (Deutschen Hebammenverband).

To receive a consultation from a midwife via chat, first log in to the Members area. There you will find the option for booking a consultation under "My Classes," beneath the list of classes being offered.

Our midwives give you all the time you need to address your concerns, even per chat. Experience shows that the vast majority of concerns can be addressed in a matter of minutes. But don't worry, important and/or urgent questions may sometimes take longer. We do not abruptly stop chats mid-conversation! :)

The individual selection of a specific midwife is not possible at the moment, as this would prevent us from always being able to respond to incoming requests as quickly as possible. However, all of our midwives provide advice that is consistent with the same high standards and quality requirements. However, as we are continuously developing the service, we will at a later stage see if it is possible and useful to offer this option.

If you book outside our opening hours, which are currently between 7am and 10pm each day, you are free to choose a session that will take place during our opening hours. We will then contact you at the time you requested. Within our opening hours you can simply book a consultation when you have the time: We will be there for you in just a few minutes.

When it comes to urgent and general questions about pregnancy, the postpartum period, and maternal and child health, our midwives are intended to be the first point of contact for expectant mothers and parents of babies. Our goal is to provide advice and support to (expectant) parents. Nevertheless, Kinderheldin is not a substitute for a doctor or an emergency room - in urgent cases, you should of course go to one of these options immediately. Midwives cannot and should not provide medical diagnoses and treatments.