Online course: Toddler Feelings

Master tantrums, separation situations and co. together & accompany your child with healthy sleep hygiene and nutrition.

Course contents

Modul: Umgang mit Autonomie & Wutanfällen

Module 1

Dealing with autonomy & tantrums

The first lesson is about pure emotions: Learn how our little ones process, feel and show them and how you can react to them to strengthen your bond.

  • Defiance vs. autonomy - what is the difference?
  • How can I support my child on the path to autonomy?
  • Why are tantrums important and how can we respond to them?
  • Emotional development of your child in this phase
Modul: KiTa & emotionale Abschiede

Module 2

KiTa & emotional partings

In the second hour of the course, we will focus on how to deal with separation situations and look at different types of care and child aggression.

  • Day care centre, kindergarten or childminder: what is important to know?
  • How can separation situations be managed?
  • Child aggression: What to do when a toddler hits, bites, scratches, pushes ...?
  • Children's empathy
Modul: Ernährung

Module 3

Nutrition & Infant Sleep

Nutrition and sleep play an important role for toddlers. Learn from family counsellor Alina what to consider:

  • What is important to know about healthy nutrition for toddlers?
  • How can meals be as relaxed as possible?
  • What does toddler sleep look like?
  • How can we accompany our toddlers when they fall asleep?

Can't attend?

The course recordings are available for you for 7 days.

Lasst uns gemeinsam lernen

Alina Steinke photo

Alina Steinke

Family counselor
Parent-child class leader
Specialist in babywearing, solid food & formula

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Frequently Asked Questions

Family counsellor Alina leads the course on the emotions of our little ones. As a parent-child course leader, she is very familiar with family structures and is looking forward to meeting you.

Yes, every online live course is available for you for 7 days after the course date. So you can catch up on the course content at any time and learn at your own pace.

With Kinderheldin membership you get unlimited access to all live courses, video courses, communities, and your own personal midwife consultation. It offers you a complete package for the duration of your pregnancy and your child's babyhood. Our live and video classes guide you through your entire pregnancy, optimally prepare you for birth and the postpartum period, and support you and your baby during his or her first months of life.

Our personal midwife consultation will help you with all your urgent problems and questions. In our communities you have the opportunity to interact with others and make new friends.

Here you can find the complete overview of our courses.

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Erfahre als Erste*r von unseren neuen Kursen, sichere dir exklusive Vorteile und neuste Erkenntnisse zur Schwangerschaft und Babyzeit von unseren Hebammen.