Online course: Postpartum Yoga

Strengthen your pelvic floor and back with Kundalini yoga and support your process with relaxation

RüBi Yoga hero

Course contents

Modul 1: Stärkung des Beckenbodens (Yoga)

Module 1

Strengthening the pelvic floor

Learn the basics of pelvic floor training with easy asanas to warm up, feel and perceive the pelvic floor. Together we will focus on a strong pelvic floor in various exercises, as this can counteract possible complaints such as urinary incontinence, pain and so on.

Modul: Training des Rückens

Modul 2

Training des Rückens

In allen Terminen fokussieren wir uns auf deinen oberen und auf den unteren Rücken. Denn auch dieser spielt eine wichtige Rolle, um deinen Körper wieder fit zu machen und nach der Schwangerschaft zu stärken. Das entspannt dich nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern stärkt auch deine Schulter, die besonders beim Tragen oder Stillen deines Babys beansprucht werden.

Modul: Kundalini Yoga

Modul 3

Kundalini Yoga

In jeder Einheit vereinen wir Elemente des klassischen Yoga und des Kundalini-Yoga miteinander. Lass dich in die Flows fallen und finde kleine Ruheinseln in deinem Alltag. Außerdem gibt es Zeit für Austausch, Entspannung, Meditation und Mantren-Singen.

Can't attend?

The course recordings are available for you for 7 days.

Your expert

Sonja Fehr (rosa)


Yoga teacher
Mother of twin daughters

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can support your postpartum with yoga. Yoga can help you reduce stress and release tension while building muscle. Strong abdominal and back muscles are especially important after birth.

Similar to postpartum, you will have to wait a few weeks after the birth before you can do yoga again. After about 6 weeks you should be able to start yoga again, after a caesarean section it may take a little longer. Stay in contact with your midwife about this.

3 good reasons for postnatal yoga:

  • Stronger muscles help you to get through everyday life fitter and to carry your baby without problems.

  • A trained pelvic floor can address post-pregnancy complaints such as incontinence and pain.

  • Yoga is good for body and soul. Take breaks and find your inner peace.

Get the best out of your regression!

Whether as a supplement or a start to your postnatal period - yoga is simply good for you. In this course we combine elements from the classic postnatal class with strengthening yoga sessions. The gentle exercises strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility. Just the right thing after birth!

Together we focus on a strong pelvic floor to counteract possible complaints such as urinary incontinence, pain and so on. Your back will also be trained, as it has carried a lot of weight during your pregnancy. In this way, you will quickly find a new, strong body feeling that will get you through everyday family life.

Midwife and Kundalini yoga teacher Sonja shows you how to combine breathing techniques with the movements of your body and find your inner centre. Look forward to relaxing sessions that you can also optimally integrate into your everyday life.

Midwife and yoga teacher Sonja is an expert in postnatal yoga at Kinderheldin.

Regression with Kinderheldin is as flexible as you need it to be. Join one of our two live classes via Zoom or watch our videos whenever you want. Our midwives will show you exercises for your body and answer all your questions.

Kinderheldin's postnatal classes are also suitable for women who have had a caesarean section. Make sure not to start too early. Reconstruction is recommended from about 12 weeks after birth.

Good postnatal care can help you strengthen your muscles. This includes reducing the rectus diastasis. We give you some easy exercises to help you do this.

With Kinderheldin membership you get unlimited access to all live courses, video courses, communities, and your own personal midwife consultation. It offers you a complete package for the duration of your pregnancy and your child's babyhood. Our live and video classes guide you through your entire pregnancy, optimally prepare you for birth and the postpartum period, and support you and your baby during his or her first months of life.

Our personal midwife consultation will help you with all your urgent problems and questions. In our communities you have the opportunity to interact with others and make new friends.

Here you can find the complete overview of our courses.

Yes, every online live course is available for you for 7 days after the course date. So you can catch up on the course content at any time and learn at your own pace.

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